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The Games Machine 98

The Games Machine
Editore Xenia Edizioni
Numero 98
Anno 1997
Mese giugno


Broken Sword II, Wipeout 2097, Star Wars: X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter, Moto Racer, Pandemonium, Rama, Toonstruck, Puzzle Bobble, FPS Golf (Front Page Sports Golf), 3D Ultra Minigolf, Carmageddon, Exhumed, PC Calcio, Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls, Imperium Galactica, Yoda Stories, Roland Garros 1997, Birthright, Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games, Time Warriors, Titanic, Big Red Adventure, Cedric, Agent Armstrong, Dark Reign, Rising Lands, speciali GameTek, Interplay.

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