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Amstrad Action 1

Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi

Amstrad Action
Numero 1
Editore Future Publishing
Data Ottobre 1985
Pagine 100


Hot Reviews

Pagina Titolo Commento
16 Way of the Exploding Fist It laid us flat
18 Boulderdash We dig it
20 Wordstar Is it any better than Tasword and Microscript?
30 Light Pens Which one should you get?
39 Red Moon Level 9's latest blockbuster
46 Cyruss Chess II Superb 3D display isn't all
52 Sorcery Plus The supercharged disc version
53 Everyone's a Wally Except the programmers of these graphics
48 The Lord of Midnight 32.000 screens of epic struggle
49 Nonterraqueous Cheapo with 1.000 screens

October Specials

Pagina Titolo Commento
55 Amsyclopedia Our huge survey of games software
12 Talking Amstrad Words from the men - and woman
32 Amsoft power-sell The duo in the driving seat speak to us
94 Dun Darach Map and review of the best-seller

Juicy Offers

Pagina Titolo Commento
84 Subscribe And get two great Ocean game FREE
90 Half-Price Beyond's new Spy v. Spy and Shadowfire
28 Fist comp. 50 prizes of the explosive Melbourne House title
93 Rockford tease Half a ton of Boulder Dash up for grabs
92 Questionnaire Filling it in could win you £50 of software
23 Mail Order Get your progs on the cheap
44 Maps, pokes, tips £100 for the best of each

Action Regulars

Pagina Titolo Commento
7 Ed-lines Lines from the Ed. A VERY important page
8 Amscene News including full details of the latest Amstrad launches
16 Action Test The start of our reviews
20 Biz Progs Word-processors compared plus our top ten in serious software
30 Plug-ins All about add-ons - this month it's light-pens
39 Adventure A tour of text-entry action with The Pilgrim
44 Cheat mode Playing tips on piles of games, legal and illegal
90 Hot stuff Introducing out readers charts, and a very special offer


Pagina Titolo Piattaforma
30 Amstrad LP-1 Light Pen Amstrad CPC
31 DK'Tronics Graphics Light Pen Amstrad CPC
31 The Electronic Studio Light Pen Amstrad CPC

All Reviews

Pagina Titolo Piattaforma Voto
16 The Way of the Exploding Fist Amstrad CPC 94%
18 Boulderdash Amstrad CPC 93%
19 Loco-Motion Amstrad CPC 76%
19 Rock Raid Amstrad CPC 65%
19 Dragons Amstrad CPC 57%
26 Braxx Bluff Amstrad CPC 55%
26 Finders Keeper Amstrad CPC 77%
27 Red Arrows Amstrad CPC 55%
27 Hard Hat Mack Amstrad CPC 66%
39 Red Moon Amstrad CPC 90%
40 Subsunk Amstrad CPC 65%
40 Shadow Of The Bear Amstrad CPC 25%
40 North Sea Bullion Adventure Amstrad CPC 25%
40 Smuggler's Cove Amstrad CPC 62%
46 Fu-Kung In Las Vegas Amstrad CPC 24%
46 Cyruss Chess II Amstrad CPC 92%
46 Beach-Head Amstrad CPC 82%
47 Arnhem Amstrad CPC 76%
48 Lords Of Midnight Amstrad CPC 91%
49 Monterraqueous Amstrad CPC 86%
52 Sorcery Plus Amstrad CPC 91%
52 Everyone's A Wally Amstrad CPC 92%
56 Pyjamarama Amstrad CPC 79%
56 The Rocky Horror Show Amstrad CPC 64%
56 Knight Lore Amstrad CPC 95%
56 Alien 8 Amstrad CPC 96%
58 Technician Ted Amstrad CPC 82%
58 Roland In Time Amstrad CPC 82%
58 Roland On The Ropes Amstrad CPC 58%
58 Sorcery Amstrad CPC 90%
60 Survivor Amstrad CPC 66%
60 Death Pit Amstrad CPC 59%
60 Fantastic Voyage Amstrad CPC 67%
60 Roland In Space Amstrad CPC 81%
60 Android One Amstrad CPC 65%
61 Dark Star Amstrad CPC 84%
61 The Galactic Plague Amstrad CPC 29%
61 Chopper Squad Amstrad CPC 34%
61 Ahhh!!! Amstrad CPC 44%
62 Astro Attack Amstrad CPC 38%
62 Air Traffic Control Amstrad CPC 68%
62 The Wild Bunch Amstrad CPC 70%
62 Fighter Pilot Amstrad CPC 65%
67 Roland In The Caves Amstrad CPC 49%
67 Jet-Boot Jack Amstrad CPC 70%
67 Football Manager Amstrad CPC 69%
67 Defender Or Die Amstrad CPC 73%
67 American Football Amstrad CPC 70%
68 Alex Higgins' World Pool Amstrad CPC 51%
68 Detective Amstrad CPC 38%
68 Steve Davis Snooker Amstrad CPC 68%
68 Amsgolf Amstrad CPC 67%
68 Daley Thompson's Decathlon Amstrad CPC 81%
69 Frank N. Stein Amstrad CPC 65%
69 Blagger Amstrad CPC 61%
69 Mr Freeze Amstrad CPC 52%
69 Hunchback II Amstrad CPC 74%
70 Ghostbusters Amstrad CPC 52%
70 Roland Goes Digging Amstrad CPC 54%
70 Gilligan's Gold Amstrad CPC 74%
70 Super Pipeline II Amstrad CPC 71%
70 Confuzion Amstrad CPC 74%
71 Kong Strikes Back Amstrad CPC 83%
71 Bridge-It Amstrad CPC 20%
71 Roland Ahoy! Amstrad CPC 56%
71 Er*Bert Amstrad CPC 70%

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Amstrad Action - n°01 - Ottobre 1985


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