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Game Power 15

Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi

Game Power
Numero 15
Editore Studio Vit
Data Marzo 1993
Pagine 116



Pagina Titolo Piattaforma
23 Willy Beamish Mega CD
23 Road Avenger Sega CD
24 Flashback: The Quest for Identity Megadrive
24 Yoshi's Cookie Super Nintendo / Gameboy
24 Rolling Thunder 3 Megadrive
25 Splatterhouse 3 Megadrive
25 Fatal Fury 2 Neo Geo
26 Battletoads Megadrive
26 Monster NES
26 Micro Machines Megadrive
29 Pop n' Twinbee Super Famicom
29 Ninja Warriors Mega CD


Pagina Titolo Piattaforma Globale (%)
35 Tiny Toon Adventures Super NES 93
41 Street of Rage 2 Megadrive 94
44 Terminator - The Arcade Game Megadrive 71
49 Parasol Stars NES / Gameboy 83 / 91
54 Pushover Super NES 75
56 Cosmo Gang Super NES 73
58 Mario & Yoshi NES 86
60 Spiderman - Return of the Sinister Six NES 77
63 F-15 Strike Eagle NES 65
64 Power Monger Megadrive 87
66 Anoter World Megadrive 90
68 Tazmania Master System 66
70 Batman Returns Megadrive 40
72 Bomberman '93 PC Engine 92
74 Ranma 1/2 2 Super NES 89
76 Wreslemania Steel Cage Challenge NES 40
79 Ariel the Little Mermaid Megadrive 72
81 The Jetson Gameboy 80
83 Super Smah TV Game Gear 40
84 Super Mario Kart Super NES 94
84 Super Probotector Super NES 92
84 Zelda II Super NES 99
84 Castlevania IV Super NES 93
85 TMNT IV: Turtles in Time Super NES 85
85 Super Lemmings Super NES 93
85 The Toxic Crusader Megadrive 60
85 Sega Classic Arcade Collection - Limited Edition Megadrive / Mega CD Golden Axe - 80
Street of Rage - 89
Revenge of Shinobi - 75
Columns - 87
85 Wing Commander Super NES 70
85 Super Hunchback Gameboy 74

Speciali, Articoli

Pagina Titolo
2 Sommario
5 L'Apposta
13 News - Anteprime - Speciale CES
33 Prove
84 Game Flash
86 Help
109 Annunci
111 Game Over

Trucchi e Soluzioni

Pagina Titolo Piattaforma
86 Battletoads NES
96 Taz-Mania Megadrive

Leggi la rivista online

Game Power - n°15 - Marzo 1993


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