====== DokuWiki ====== [[doku>wiki:dokuwiki|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }}]] DokuWiki is a standards-compliant, simple-to-use [[wp>Wiki|wiki]] which allows users to create rich documentation repositories. It provides an environment for individuals, teams and companies to create and collaborate using a simple yet powerful [[wiki:syntax]] that ensures data files remain structured and readable outside the wiki. Unlimited page revisions allows restoration to any earlier page version, and with data stored in plain text files, no database is required. A powerful [[doku>wiki:plugins|plugin]] architecture allows for extension and enhancement of the core system. See the [[doku>wiki:features|features]] section for a full description of what DokuWiki has to offer. The community-edited [[doku>wiki:manual|DokuWiki manual]] will explain how to use this powerful wiki system. For questions and contributions, please join [[http://forum.dokuwiki.org/|the forum]]. ===== Download ===== DokuWiki is available at http://www.splitbrain.org/go/dokuwiki ===== Read More ===== All documentation and additional information besides the [[syntax|syntax description]] is maintained in the DokuWiki at [[doku>wiki:dokuwiki|wiki.splitbrain.org]]. **About DokuWiki** * [[doku>wiki:features|A feature list]] :!: * [[doku>wiki:users|Happy Users]] * [[doku>wiki:press|Who wrote about it]] * [[doku>wiki:blogroll|What Bloggers think]] * [[http://www.wikimatrix.org/show/DokuWiki|Compare it with other wiki software]] **Installing DokuWiki** * [[doku>wiki:requirements|System Requirements]] * [[http://www.splitbrain.org/go/dokuwiki|Download DokuWiki]] :!: * [[doku>wiki:changes|Change Log]] * [[doku>wiki:Install|How to install or upgrade]] :!: * [[doku>wiki:config|Configuration]] **Using DokuWiki** * [[wiki:syntax|Wiki Syntax]] * [[doku>wiki:manual|The manual]] :!: * [[doku>wiki:FAQ|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]] * [[doku>wiki:glossary|Glossary]] * [[http://search.dokuwiki.org|Search for DokuWiki help and documentation]] **Customizing DokuWiki** * [[doku>wiki:tips|Tips and Tricks]] * [[doku>wiki:tpl:templates|How to create and use templates]] * [[doku>wiki:plugins|Installing plugins]] * [[doku>wiki:development|Development Resources]] **DokuWiki Feedback and Community** * [[doku>wiki:mailinglist|Join the mailing list]] :!: * [[doku>wiki:forum|Check out the user forum]] * [[doku>wiki:irc|Talk to other users in the IRC channel]] * [[http://bugs.splitbrain.org/index.php?project=1|Submit bugs and feature wishes]] * [[http://www.wikimatrix.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=10|Share your experiences in the WikiMatrix forum]] * [[doku>wiki:thanks|Some humble thanks]] ===== Copyright ===== 2004-2008 (c) Andreas Gohr ((Please do not contact me for help and support -- use the [[doku>wiki:mailinglist|mailinglist]] or [[http://forum.dokuwiki.org|forum]] instead)) The DokuWiki engine is licensed under [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html|GNU General Public License]] Version 2. If you use DokuWiki in your company, consider [[doku>wiki:donate|donating]] a few bucks ;-). The content published in the DokuWiki at http://www.splitbrain.org/dokuwiki/ is licensed under the [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License]] Version 2.0. An exception is made for the content which distributed in the download tarball((files inside the ''data'' directory -- eg: ''dokuwiki.txt'', ''syntax.txt'', ''dokuwiki-128.png'')) which is, for compatibility reasons, licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 as well. Not sure what this means? See the [[doku>wiki:faq:license|FAQ on the Licenses]].