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tgm_-_044 [2012/08/09 21:44]
ataru_75 [Review]
tgm_-_044 [2023/03/17 05:06] (versione attuale)
ataru_75 [Collegamenti esterni]
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 ====== The Games Machine 44 ====== ====== The Games Machine 44 ======
 <sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup> <sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup>
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 ^ {{ altre:tgm_44.jpg }} || ^ {{ altre:tgm_44.jpg }} ||
 ^ Numero  | 44 | ^ Numero  | 44 |
-^ Editore | Xenia | +^ Editore  | Xenia | 
-^ Data | Luglio / Agosto 1992 |+^ Data  | Luglio / Agosto 1992 |
 ^ Pagine  | 124 | ^ Pagine  | 124 |
 ===== Contenuti ===== ===== Contenuti =====
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 | 59 | Tips | | 59 | Tips |
 | 117 | Posta | | 117 | Posta |
 ==== Review ==== ==== Review ====
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 ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Voto (%) ^ ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Voto (%) ^
-| 46 | Zool | 95 |  +| 46 | Zool | 95|  
-| 48 | Wizkid | 94 |  +| 48 | Wizkid | 94|  
-| 52 | Humans | 92 |  +| 52 | Humans | 92|  
-| 54 | Pushover | 89 |  +| 54 | Pushover | 89|  
-| 67 | Cool Croc Twins | 81 |  +| 67 | Cool Croc Twins | 81|  
-| 72 | Sensible Soccer | 96 |  +| 72 | Sensible Soccer | 96|  
-| 75 | Graham Taylor Soccer Manager | 81 |  +| 75 | Graham Taylor Soccer Manager | 81|  
-| 84 | G-Loc | 70 |  +| 84 | G-Loc | 70|  
-| 88 | Red Zone | 91 |  +| 88 | Red Zone | 91|  
-| 102 | Crazy Cars III | 82 |  +| 102 | Crazy Cars III | 82|  
-| 105 | Catch'Em | 85 |  +| 105 | Catch'Em | 85|  
-| 107 | European Football Champ | 38 |  +| 107 | European Football Champ | 38|  
-| 111 | Indiana Jones IV - Arcade | 83 |  +| 111 | Indiana Jones IV - Arcade | 83|  
 ===PC=== ===PC===
 ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Voto (%) ^ ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Voto (%) ^
-| 56 | Lure Of The Temptress | 93 |  +| 56 | Lure Of The Temptress | 93|  
-| 70 | Indiana Jones IV - Adventure | 98 |  +| 70 | Indiana Jones IV - Adventure | 98|  
-| 78 | Ace Of The Pacific | 93 |  +| 78 | Ace Of The Pacific | 93|  
-| 80 | Guy Spy | 76 |  +| 80 | Guy Spy | 76|  
-| 87 | Bumby | 83 |  +| 87 | Bumby | 83|  
-| 92 | Hardball III | 88 |  +| 92 | Hardball III | 88|  
-| 96 | Eternam | 91 |  +| 96 | Eternam | 91|  
-| 99 | European Championship '92 | 70 |  +| 99 | European Championship '92 | 70|  
-| 109 | TV Sports Baseball | 83 |  +| 109 | TV Sports Baseball | 83|  
-| 111 | Indiana Jones IV - Arcade | 83 | +| 111 | Indiana Jones IV - Arcade | 83
-| 112 | Gateway | 83 |  +| 112 | Gateway | 83|  
-| 114 | Free D.C. | 75 |  +| 114 | Free D.C. | 75|  
 \\ \\
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 ===== Download ===== ===== Download =====
 +| ● TGM - The Games Machine - 44 - Luglio / Agosto 1992 (file PDF) (211 Mb)}}
 ===== Collegamenti esterni ===== ===== Collegamenti esterni =====
-  *[[http://www.oldgamesitalia.net/oldmags/|Old Mags Italia]]+  *<html><a href="http://archive.org/details/the-games-machine-italia-44" target="_blank"> Scansioni su Internet Archive </a></html>

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