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mega_console_-_19 [2012/08/01 18:29]
ataru_75 creata
mega_console_-_19 [2023/03/18 18:35] (versione attuale)
ataru_75 [Collegamenti esterni]
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 ======Mega Console 19 ====== ======Mega Console 19 ======
 <sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup> <sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup>
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 ^ Pagine  | 100 | ^ Pagine  | 100 |
 ===== Contenuti ===== ===== Contenuti =====
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 ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^
-| 12 | Virtua Cop | Saturn | +| 12 | Mortal Kombat 3 | Saturn | 
-12 Darius Gaiden | Saturn | +13 Sega Rally | Saturn | 
-| 13 | Street Fighter: The Movie | Saturn |  +| 13 | Shining Wisdom | Saturn |  
-13 Cybersled | Saturn |   +14 Hang On GP '95 | Saturn |   
-13 Project Overkill | Saturn |   +14 D's Dining Table | Saturn |   
-13 Darknet | Saturn |   +14 Heretic | Saturn |   
-| 14 | NHL All Star Hockey | Saturn |   +| 14 | Wing Arms | Saturn |   
-| 14 | Jet Sky Rage 32x |   +| 14 | Vertigo Saturn |   
-14 | Primal Rage | Saturn |   +16 | Primal Rage | Saturn |   
-14 Black Fire | Saturn |  +16 Shellshock | Saturn |  
-| 15 | VR Troopers | Saturn |  +| 16 | Johnny Bazookatone | Saturn |  
-| 15 | Dark Legend | Saturn |  +18 Vectorman Megadrive |  
-| 16 | Amok | Saturn |  +20 Rayman | Saturn |  
-16 Vertigo Saturn |  +22 Super Skidmarks Megadrive |  
-17 Heavy Machinery | Saturn |  +24 Premier Manager | Megadrive |  
-19 Dark Wizard Mega CD |  +26 Victory JVC Boxing Saturn |  
-19 Tank Girl | Megadrive |  +28 Deadly Skies Saturn |  
-19 Fahrenheit 32x |  +30 Amok Saturn |  
-20 Kolibri 32x |  +32 FIFA Soccer '96 Saturn / 32x Megadrive |  
-20 Vectorman Megadrive |  +38 Hi-Octane | Saturn |  
-21 X-Men | 32x |  +42 Spot Goes To Hollywood | 32x |  
-| 22 | Mortal Kombat 3 | Megadrive |  +46 Waterworld | Megadrive |
-28 Virtua Fighter 2 | Saturn |  +
-31 Virtua Fighter | 32x |  +
-32 Spirou | Megadrive |  +
-| 34 | Soulstar X | 32x |  +
- +
-==== Speciali ==== +
- +
-^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ +
-| 41 | Yamato News |+
 ==== Recensioni ==== ==== Recensioni ====
 ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ Globale ^ ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ Globale ^
-36 Myst Mega-CD 79 +52 Street Fighter Real Battle On Film Saturn 69 
-38 Shin Shinobi Den Saturn 81 +54 Batman Forever Megadrive 90 
-42 Bug! | Saturn | 78 +58 Clockwork Knight 2 | Saturn | 86 
-45 Syndicate | Mega-CD | 69 | +62 Micro Machines '96: Turbo Tournament | Megadrive | 92 
-| 46 | Pete Sampras Tennis '96 | Megadrive | 64 +64 Comix Zone | Megadrive | 89 
-48 The Adventures Of Batman & Robin | Megadrive | 82 +68 Primal Rage | Megadrive | 90 
-52 Judge Dredd | Megadrive | 80 +72 Weaponlord Megadrive | 75 | 
-56 Gran Chaser Saturn | 75 | +76 Aero Acrobat 2 | Megadrive | 75 
-60 Motherbase | 32x | 80 | +77 Demolition Man | Megadrive | 85 
-| 64 | Tinhead | Megadrive | 68 +78 Race Drivin' | Saturn 45 
-66 Zero - The Kamikaze Squirrel | Megadrive | 82 +79 Riglord Saga Saturn 70 
-68 Indiana Jones- Greatest Adventures Megadrive 84 +80 Greatest Nine Saturn 77 
-70 Fatal Fury Special Mega-CD 71 +81 Battle Monsters Saturn | 59 | 
-71 Samurai Shodown Mega-CD 79 +82 Virtual Vollyball Saturn 56 
-72 Stellar Assault 32x | 82 | +84 F1 Game Gear 60 
-| 74 | Wayne Gretzky And The NHLPA All Stars | Megadrive | 59 | +86 Primal Rage | Game Gear | 83 
-76 Phantasy Star IV Megadrive 87 +88 True Lies | Game Gear | 60 |
-78 NBA Jam Tournament Edition 32x 85 +
-80 NBA Action '95 Starring David Robinson | Megadrive | 51 | +
-| 82 | Earthworm Jim | Game Gear | 85 +
-83 Power Drive | Game Gear | 65 |+
 ==== Trucchi e Soluzioni ==== ==== Trucchi e Soluzioni ====
 ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^
-88 | Megatrix |  +92 | Speciale Megatrix (Daytona USA) | 
-| 94 | Speciale Megatrix (Snatcher) | +| 96 | Megatrix | 
-| 96 | Speciale Megatrix (Theme Park) |+
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 ===Mega Console - n°19 - Ottobre 1995=== ===Mega Console - n°19 - Ottobre 1995===
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-<html><div><object style="width:620px;height:475px" ><param name="movie" value="http://static.issuu.com/webembed/viewers/style1/v2/IssuuReader.swf?mode=mini&amp;embedBackground=%23ffffff&amp;shareMenuEnabled=false&amp;printButtonEnabled=false&amp;backgroundColor=%23222222&amp;documentId=120723235441-3f723185ef8e43e8b4f23f18d688ee61" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="menu" value="false"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><embed src="http://static.issuu.com/webembed/viewers/style1/v2/IssuuReader.swftype="application/x-shockwave-flash"; allowfullscreen="true" menu="false" wmode="transparent" style="width:620px;height:475px" flashvars="mode=mini&amp;embedBackground=%23ffffff&amp;shareMenuEnabled=false&amp;printButtonEnabled=false&amp;backgroundColor=%23222222&amp;documentId=120723235441-3f723185ef8e43e8b4f23f18d688ee61/></object><div style="width:620px;text-align:left;"><a href="http://issuu.com/andreapastore/docs/mega_console_17_luglio-agosto_1995?mode=window&amp;printButtonEnabled=false&amp;backgroundColor=%23222222target="_blank"></a></div></div></html>+<html><iframe src="https://archive.org/embed/MegaConsole19width="560" height="384frameborder="0webkitallowfullscreen="truemozallowfullscreen="trueallowfullscreen></iframe></html> 
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 ===== Download ===== ===== Download =====
Linea 91: Linea 85:
 {{http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/Riviste%20di%20settore/Mega%20Console/Mega%20Console%2019%20-%20Ottobre%201995.rar| ● Mega Console - 19 - Ottobre 1995 (file .RAR) (299 Mb)}} - ''CONTIENE LE SCAN IN FORMATO JPEG'' - {{http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/Riviste%20di%20settore/Mega%20Console/Mega%20Console%2019%20-%20Ottobre%201995.rar| ● Mega Console - 19 - Ottobre 1995 (file .RAR) (299 Mb)}} - ''CONTIENE LE SCAN IN FORMATO JPEG'' -
-===== Collegamenti esterni ===== 
-  *[[http://www.approdo.eu/2012/08/mega-console-19-ottobre-1995.html|In collaborazione con Approdo]]+\\ 
 +===== Voci correlate ===== 
 +  *[[edicola_dvg|L'Edicola del DVG]] 
-  *[[http://www.thehaven.it/megaconsole/|Progetto Mega Console]] 

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