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-======Game Power 21======+\\ 
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 +======Game Power 22======
 +<sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup>
 |   **[[ Game Power ]]**  || |   **[[ Game Power ]]**  ||
-^ Numero  | 21 |+^ {{ :altre:game power_22.jpg }} || 
 +^ Numero  | 22 |
 ^ Editore  | Studio Vit | ^ Editore  | Studio Vit |
-^ Data  | ottobre 1993 |+^ Data  | Novembre 1993 | 
 +^ Pagine  | 148 | 
 +===== Contenuti ===== 
 +==== Preview ==== 
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ 
 +| 14 | Super Street Fighter 2 | Coin-Op | 
 +| 17 | Alien Breed | Super NES | 
 +| 18 | King of the Monsters 2 | PC Engine Duo | 
 +| 18 | Awesome Possum | Megadrive | 
 +| 18 | Godzilla | Coin-Op | 
 +| 18 | SD Gundam | Coin-Op | 
 +| 18 | Gundam | Coin-Op | 
 +| 18 | Macross II | Coin-Op | 
 +| 22 | Castlevania: Vampire Killer | PC Engine Duo (CD) | 
 +| 22 | Eternal Champions | Megadrive | 
 +| 22 | Pit Fighter 2 | Megadrive | 
 +| 26 | The Last Action Hero | Megadrive / Super NES / Game Gear\\ Gameboy / Master System / NES | 
 +| 26 | Flashback | Super NES | 
 +| 26 | Cliffhanger | Megadrive / Super NES / Game Gear\\ Gameboy / Master System / NES | 
 +| 26 | Equinox | Super NES | 
 +| 26 | Sensible Soccer | Megadrive / NES / Gameboy | 
 +| 30 | Zool | Megadrive | 
 +| 30 | The Chaos Engine | Super NES | 
 +| 30 | Impossible Mission 2025 | Super NES | 
 +| 30 | Tinhead | Megadrive | 
 +| 30 | Beastball | Super NES / Megadrive | 
 +| 30 | F15 Strike Eagle II | Megadrive | 
 +| 33 | Young Merlin | Super NES | 
 +| 33 | Jammit | Mega CD | 
 +| 33 | Dragon | Super NES / Megadrive | 
 +| 34 | Fifa International Soccer | Megadrive | 
 +| 34 | Turn and Burn | Super NES | 
 +| 34 | NBA Showdown | Super NES | 
 +| 34 | Lotus Esprit Challenge II | Megadrive | 
 +| 34 | EA Hockey '94 | Super NES /Megadrive | 
 +| 34 | John Madden Football '94 | Super NES / Megadrive | 
 +| 34 | Virtual Pinball | Megadrive | 
 +| 34 | Super Battletank 2 | Super NES | 
 +| 37 | Castlevania: The New Generation | Megadrive | 
 +| 37 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters | Super NES / Megadrive | 
 +==== Recensioni ==== 
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ Globale (%)^ 
 +| 57 | Aladdin | Megadrive | 95 | 
 +| 61 | Landstaker | Megadrive | 96 | 
 +| 64 | Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition | Megadrive | 98 | 
 +| 67 | Jurassic Park | Gameboy / Super NES | 76 / 91 | 
 +| 71 | Zombies Ate My Neighbors | Super NES | 92 | 
 +| 74 | Mortal kombat | Game Gear | 90 | 
 +| 75 | Muhammad Alì: Heavyweight Boxing | Gameboy | 73 | 
 +| 77 | Sonic the Hedgehog | Mega CD | 90 | 
 +| 80 | NHL '94 | Megadrive | 91 | 
 +| 83 | Gunstar Heroes | Megadrive | 80 | 
 +| 86 | Super Putty | Super NES | 92 | 
 +| 88 | Bari-Arm | Mega CD | 86 | 
 +| 90 | World Heroes | Super NES | 74 | 
 +| 92 | Fantastic Dizzy | Megadrive | 69 | 
 +| 94 | Goof Troop | Super NES | 78 | 
 +| 96 | Dungeon Master | Super NES | 85 | 
 +| 98 | GP 1 | Super NES | 75 | 
 +| 100 | Wiz'n'Liz | Megadrive | 84 | 
 +| 102 | General Chaos | Megadrive | 83 | 
 +| 102 | WWF Royal Rumble | Super NES | 81 | 
 +| 102 | Spot and the Quest for Cool | Super NES | 91 | 
 +| 109 | Rock'n Roll Racing | Super NES | 91 | 
 +| 113 | Tiny Toon Adventure Babs' Big Break | Gameboy | 89 | 
 +| 115 | Pinball Dreams | Gameboy | 90 | 
 +| 117 | B.O.B. | Super NES | 90 | 
 +| 119 | Technoclash | Megadrive | 80 | 
 +| 121 | Speedy Gonzales | Gameboy | 85 | 
 +| 123 | Spy vs Spy | Gameboy | 85 | 
 +| 124 | Surf Ninjas | Game Gear | 35 | 
 +| 124 | Back to the Future II | Super NES | 21 | 
 +| 124 | Jurassic Park | Game Gear | 66 | 
 +| 124 | Goal! | Gameboy | 56 | 
 +| 125 | J. Nicklaus Power Chall. Golf | Megadrive | 67 | 
 +| 125 | Asterix | Super NES | 68 | 
 +| 125 | Felix the Cat | Gameboy | 60 | 
 +| 125 | Battletoads in Battlemaniacs | Super NES | 80 | 
 +| 125 | Bart vs. the Juggernauts | Gameboy | 85 | 
 +| 125 | F15 Strike Eagle 2 | Megadrive | 78 | 
 +| 138 | Title Match | Coin-Op | 85 | 
 +| 139 | The Punisher | Coin-Op | 75 | 
 +==== Speciali, Articoli ==== 
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ 
 +| 2 | Sommario | 
 +| 5 | L'Apposta | 
 +| 13 | News - Anteprime | 
 +| 38 | Una Cartolina dal Sega World | 
 +| 41 | Super Mario Bros - Videografia | 
 +| 52 | Classifiche |  
 +| 55 | Prove |  
 +| 124 | Game Flash - mini recensioni  |  
 +| 127 | Help |  
 +| 138 | Coin-Op  |  
 +| 143 | Game Over |  
 +==== Trucchi e Soluzioni ==== 
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ 
 +| 127 | Random | - | 
 +| 130 | Alien³ | Gameboy | 
 +=====Leggi la rivista online===== 
 +===Game Power - n°22 - Novembre 1993=== 
 +<html><iframe src="https://archive.org/embed/game-power-n-22-novembre-1993" width="560" height="384" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
-=====Argomenti===== +\\ 
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighter, Lethal Enforces, Bubble Bobble 2, Mighty Final Fight, Pac-Man, Sensible Soccer, Jungle Book, EA Soccer, Legend, Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage, Suzuka 8 Hours, Silpheed, Jungle Strike, Super Mario All-Stars, Mortal Kombat, Time Gal, Super Turrican, Striker, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Jurassic Park, Shinobi 3, Raging Fighter, Rocket Knight Adventures, Super Formation Soccer 2, Congo's Caper, Blaster Master 2, Ecco the Dolphin, Best of the Best: Championship Karate, Titus the Fox, Robin Hood, Streets of Rage II, Tumblepop, Chakan, Baby T-Rex, Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge, Championship Bowling, Spider-Man 3, Chester Cheetah, Caesar's Palace, Aerobiz, Alien vs Predator, Snow Bros., Side Pocket, Star Wing, Flashback, Alien 3, Amazing Tennis, Another World, Ariel The Little Mermaid, Back to the Future III, Batman Returns, Battletoads, Bubsy the Bobcat, Buck Rogers, Captain America and the Avengers, Centurion, Chakan: The Forever Man, Chelnov Atmoic Runner, Chuck Rock, Corporation, Crue Ball, Cyborg Justice, David Robinson's Supreme Court, Death Duel, Desert Strike, EA Hockey, Ecco the Dolphin, Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing, Ex-Ranza, F1, F1 GP Circus MD, F22 Interceptor, Fantasia, Fatal Fury, Fatal Rewind, Flashback, Galahad, G-Lock, Gods, Golden Axe, Grandslam Tennis, Greendog, Hardball III, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, James Bond 007: The Duel, James Pond, Joe Montana 2 Sports Talk Football, John Madden Football '92, John Madden Football '93, Junction, Kid Chameleon, King Salomon, Lemmings, LHX Attack Chopper, Lotus Turbo Challenge, Marble Madness, Mazin Saga, Mega Lo Mania, Mick and Mack Global Gladiators, Micro Machines, Muhammad Alì Boxing, Mutant League Football, NHLPA Hockey '93, Olympic Gold, Outlander, Out Run, Out Run 2019, Pac-Mania, PGA Tour Golf 2, Phantasy Star III, Pit Fighter, Populous, Populous II, Power Athlete, Powermonger, Predator 2, Pro Striker, Quack Shot, Risky Woods, Road Rash, Road Rash 2, Robocod, Rolling Thunder 2, Rolo to the Rescue, Shadow of the Beast II, Snow Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Space Invaders '91, Speedball 2, Spider-Man, Splatterhouse 3, Sports Talk Baseball, Sports Talk Football '93 Starring Joe Montana, Spot and the Quest for Cool, Starflight, Streets of Rage II, Strider II, Summer Challenge, Sunset Riders, Superman, Super Fantasy Zone, Super Kick Off, Super Off-Road, Task Force Harrier Ex, Taz Mania, Team Usa Basketball, Terminator 2: The Arcade Game, The Aquatic Games, The Duel: Test Drive 2, The Flintstones, The Great Waldo Search, The Immortal, The Terminator, The Toxic Crusader, Thunderforce III, Thunderforce IV, Tiny Toons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Return of the Shredder, Toejam & Earl, Toki, Troubleshooter, Turrican, Universal Soldier, Valis III, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego, World of Illusion, WWF Super Wrestlemania, Xenon II The Megablast, X-Men.+===== Download =====
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-  *[[http://www.cinetecadibologna.it/archivi-non-film/videoludico/riviste|Dati tratti dall'Archivio Videoludico della Cineteca di Bologna]]+
 +===== Voci correlate =====
 +  *[[edicola_dvg|L'Edicola del DVG]]

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