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en:vectrex_solar_quest [2011/03/31 08:19] external edit
en:vectrex_solar_quest [2020/08/22 23:34] (current)
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-===== Solar Quest =====+\\ 
 +<html><a href=https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/54378360 target="_blank"><img src="http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=gifvarie:pulsante_gadget.png" title="Acquista i gadget a tema"></a></html>
-|{{:dicembre08:solar_quest_by_gce_1982_.png?400}}|+<html><iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dizionariovideogiochi.it%2Fdoku.php%3Fid%3Den:vectrex_solar_quest&amp;width=450&layout=standard&action=like&size=small&share=true&height=35&appId" width="450" height="35" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></html> 
 +===== SOLAR QUEST===== 
 +<sup>From DVG - The Dictionary of Videogames</sup> 
 +<html><p align="right"><a href=http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/doku.php?id=solar_quest_vectrex><img src="http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&media=en:icon_italian.jpg" TITLE="DVG board in Italian." WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="12"></a></p></html> 
 +\\ **Solar Quest** for [[Vectrex]] (c) 1982 [[milton bradley company|MB Video Electronics]] 
 +|[[i giochi prodotti per vectrex|{{:gennaio09:solar.gif|}}]]| 
 +===== Story =====
 How many types of alien vessels will you be able to destroy?  Seven How many types of alien vessels will you be able to destroy?  Seven
Line 8: Line 21:
 too close to the sun... its high temperatures can destroy you. too close to the sun... its high temperatures can destroy you.
 ===== Controls ===== ===== Controls =====
Line 18: Line 31:
   *Button 4:  Fire.   *Button 4:  Fire.
 ===== Game Play ===== ===== Game Play =====
Line 41: Line 54:
 deadly, will enter the field. deadly, will enter the field.
 ===== Getting Hit ===== ===== Getting Hit =====
Line 49: Line 62:
 field with the same type of alien that destroyed you. field with the same type of alien that destroyed you.
 ===== Number of Ships ===== ===== Number of Ships =====
Line 56: Line 69:
 survivors rescued. survivors rescued.
 ===== Scoring ===== ===== Scoring =====
Line 71: Line 84:
 |Alien 7     |750 ^ |Alien 7     |750 ^
 After careful piloting, a ghost ship will appear.  You will earn 3500 After careful piloting, a ghost ship will appear.  You will earn 3500
 points for destroying it.  If a survivor is destroyed, 250 points are earned.  points for destroying it.  If a survivor is destroyed, 250 points are earned. 
 If a survivor is picked up, 1000 points are earned.  An extra Nuke is awarded If a survivor is picked up, 1000 points are earned.  An extra Nuke is awarded
 for each 10,000 points earned. for each 10,000 points earned.
 +===== Video clip =====
 +^         **Solar Quest**        ^ 
 +|  //Gameplay of Solar Quest.//  |
 +===== Screenshots =====

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