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en:vectrex_bedlam [2015/04/04 01:15]
en:vectrex_bedlam [2020/08/23 01:46] (current)
ataru_75 [Links]
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-===== BEDLAM =====+\\ 
 +<html><a href=https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/54378360 target="_blank"><img src="http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=gifvarie:pulsante_gadget.png" title="Acquista i gadget a tema"></a></html>
-**Bedlam** for [[Vectrex]] (c) 1982 [[GCE]] (**G**eneral **C**onsumer **E**lectronics)+<html><iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dizionariovideogiochi.it%2Fdoku.php%3Fid%3Den:vectrex_bedlam&amp;width=450&layout=standard&action=like&size=small&share=true&height=35&appId" width="450" height="35" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></html> 
 +===== BEDLAM ===== 
 +<sup>From DVG - The Dictionary of Videogames</sup>
 <html><p align="right"><a href=http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/doku.php?id=bedlam_vectrex><img src="http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&media=en:icon_italian.jpg" TITLE="DVG board in Italian." WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="12"></a></p></html> <html><p align="right"><a href=http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/doku.php?id=bedlam_vectrex><img src="http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&media=en:icon_italian.jpg" TITLE="DVG board in Italian." WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="12"></a></p></html>
 +\\ **Bedlam** for [[Vectrex]] (c) 1982 [[GCE]] (**G**eneral **C**onsumer **E**lectronics)
 |[[The games products for vectrex|{{:nuove:bedlam.gif|}}]]| |[[The games products for vectrex|{{:nuove:bedlam.gif|}}]]|
 ===== Story ===== ===== Story =====
Line 20: Line 27:
 The future of the galaxy rests on your shoulders.  Good luck! The future of the galaxy rests on your shoulders.  Good luck!
 ===== Controls ===== ===== Controls =====
Line 30: Line 37:
   *Button 4: Fire.   *Button 4: Fire.
 ===== Game Play ===== ===== Game Play =====
Line 48: Line 55:
 will be more challenging, with increasingly aggressive aliens. will be more challenging, with increasingly aggressive aliens.
 ===== Cannons ===== ===== Cannons =====
Line 66: Line 73:
 the next sector. the next sector.
 ===== Galactic Sectors ===== ===== Galactic Sectors =====
Line 74: Line 81:
 shrink, and pulsate. shrink, and pulsate.
 ===== Alien Types and Characteristics ===== ===== Alien Types and Characteristics =====
 +//__Escort Ships__// - [Eight-pointed stars]  
-Escort Ships- [Eight-pointed stars]  These alien ships surround the +  *These alien ships surround the colonists' space armada and will be present in each sector. Escort ships will approach your cannon directly without pausing.
-colonists' space armada and will be present in each sector.  Escort +
-ships will approach your cannon directly without pausing.+
-Astral Defenders- [Six-sided split figure]  Special star ships in the   +\\ 
-invaders' armada that direct the defense activities of the aliens.   +//__Astral Defenders__// - [Six-sided split figure]  
-They will approach your cannon only when it's pointed in another +
-direction and you are vulnerable to attack.+
-Droids- [Plus signs]  Deadly unmanned star ships that have been programmed +  *Special star ships in the invaders' armada that direct the defense activities of the aliens. They will approach your cannon only when it's pointed in another direction and you are vulnerable to attack.
-by the aliens to seek out and destroy any force unfriendly to the   +
-colonists The Destroyer Droids will circle your cannon waiting to +
-destroy you at your most vulnerable moment.+
-Colonist Transports- [Four-pointed stars]  These star ships hold the +\\ 
-civilian colonists.  Because of their powerful shield, they can +//__Droids__// - [Plus signs]  
-never be directly blasted out of our galaxy, but you do gain points +
-each time you score a direct hit.  Direct hits force the Transports +
-back to the farthest reaches of each sector, but they will return.  +
-These ships remain in each sector until all other ships are removed.+
 +  *Deadly unmanned star ships that have been programmed by the aliens to seek out and destroy any force unfriendly to the colonists.  The Destroyer Droids will circle your cannon waiting to destroy you at your most vulnerable moment.
-===== Scoring =====+\\ 
 +//__Colonist Transports__// - [Four-pointed stars]  
 +  *These star ships hold the civilian colonists.  Because of their powerful shield, they can never be directly blasted out of our galaxy, but you do gain points each time you score a direct hit.  Direct hits force the Transports back to the farthest reaches of each sector, but they will return. These ships remain in each sector until all other ships are removed.
 +===== Scoring =====
 Points are awarded for blasting aliens in the galactic sector as follows: Points are awarded for blasting aliens in the galactic sector as follows:
Line 111: Line 114:
 |Colonist Transports     |175 | |Colonist Transports     |175 |
-===== Links ===== +\\
- +
-  ***[[http://www.vectrexnews.com/games/roms/Bedlam%20by%20GCE%20(1982).bin|Download Bedlam Attack for Vectrex]]**+
 ===== Video clip ===== ===== Video clip =====
Line 119: Line 120:
 ^         **//Bedlam//**        ^  ^         **//Bedlam//**        ^ 
 |{{youtube>large:0uqQ3Pc8Cz4}}|  |{{youtube>large:0uqQ3Pc8Cz4}}| 
-|//Bedlam Gameplay  (Vectrex Version).//|+ //Bedlam Gameplay  (Vectrex Version).//  |
 ===== Box and screenshots ===== ===== Box and screenshots =====
-{{:nuove:ce80_1a.png|}} +|{{:nuove:ce80_1a.png|}}|
- +
-{{:nuove:b9b3_1_copy.png|}} +
- +

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