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electronic_games_-_4 [2016/08/04 23:11]
non_sono_mandrake [Sommario]
electronic_games_-_4 [2023/03/19 03:37] (versione attuale)
ataru_75 [Collegamenti esterni]
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 ====== Electronic Games 4 ====== ====== Electronic Games 4 ======
 <sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup> <sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup>
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 |  82  |  Readers Pool  | |  82  |  Readers Pool  |
 ==== Videogiochi recensiti ==== ==== Videogiochi recensiti ====
-''Player's guide to electronic football'': NFL Football (IV), Super Challenge Football (2600), Odyssey Football (Odyssey), Astrocade Football (Astrocade), Starbowl Football (2600), Computer Quarterback (A2), vari\\ +  *''Player's guide to electronic football'': NFL Football (IV), Super Challenge Football (2600), Odyssey Football (Odyssey), Astrocade Football (Astrocade), Starbowl Football (2600), Computer Quarterback (A2), vari 
-''Programmable Parade'': Centipede (2600), Polaris (2600), Space Fury (CV), Plaque Attack (2600), Flash Gordon (2600), Sharp Shot (IV)\\ + 
-''Insert Coin Here'' (arcade): Dragon's Lair, Bump 'n Jump, Zoo Keeper\\ +  *''Programmable Parade'': Centipede (2600), Polaris (2600), Space Fury (CV), Plaque Attack (2600), Flash Gordon (2600), Sharp Shot (IV) 
-''Il gioco del mese'': Games Designer (ZX)\\ + 
-''Scacco matto'' (scacchi elettronici)\\ +  *''Insert Coin Here'' (arcade): Dragon's Lair, Bump 'n Jump, Zoo Keeper 
-''Il parere di EG'': Tank Atak (C64), Cookie (ZX), Pickaxe Pete (VP), Killer Bees (VP), Worm Whomper (IV), River Raid (IV)+ 
 +  *''Il gioco del mese'': Games Designer (ZX) 
 +  *''Scacco matto'' (scacchi elettronici) 
 +  *''Il parere di EG'': Tank Atak (C64), Cookie (ZX), Pickaxe Pete (VP), Killer Bees (VP), Worm Whomper (IV), River Raid (IV)
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 {{http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/Riviste%20di%20settore/Electronic%20Games/Electronic%20Games%20-%204%20-%20aprile%201984.rar| ● Electronic Games - 4 - Aprile 1984 (file .RAR) (102 Mb)}} - ''CONTIENE LE SCAN IN FORMATO JPEG'' - {{http://www.dizionariovideogiochi.it/Riviste%20di%20settore/Electronic%20Games/Electronic%20Games%20-%204%20-%20aprile%201984.rar| ● Electronic Games - 4 - Aprile 1984 (file .RAR) (102 Mb)}} - ''CONTIENE LE SCAN IN FORMATO JPEG'' -
 +===== Voci correlate =====
 +  *[[edicola_dvg|L'Edicola del DVG]]
 \\ \\
 ===== Collegamenti esterni ===== ===== Collegamenti esterni =====
-  *[[http://www.retroedicola.it/go?7S8Z5C|Approdo Old Mags VG]]+  *<html><a href="https://archive.org/details/Electronic-Games-ita-04" target="_blank"> Scansioni su Internet Archive </a></html>

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