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 +====== C+VG 14 ======
 +<sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup>
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 +|   **[[ computer videogiochi|C+VG ]]**  ||
 +^ {{ :altre:cvg_14.jpg }} ||
 +^ Numero  | 14 |
 +^ Editore | Jackson |
 +^ Data    | Marzo 1992 |
 +^ Pagine  | 116 |
 +===== Contenuti =====
 +==== Preview ====
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ 
 +| 8 | Blueboy | Amiga | 
 +| 9 | Indiana Jones The Fate Of Atlantis | Amiga / PC / ST |
 +| 9 | Dune | PC | 
 +| 11 | The Empire Strikes Back | NES | 
 +| 13 | Corporation | Megadrive |
 +| 13 | Chuck Rock | Megadrive |
 +| 98 | Mug Smashers  | Coin Op |
 +==== Recensioni ====
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ Voto (%) ^
 +| 26 | Eye Of The Beholder II | PC | 86 |
 +| 28 | Catalypse | C64 | 85 |
 +| 30 | Moonstone A Hard Days Knight | Amiga | 86 |
 +| 32 | Sim Ant | Mac / PC | 71 |
 +| 33 | Fantastic Voyage | Amiga | 89 |
 +| 34 | Wolfchild | Amiga | 92 |
 +| 36 | Psyborg | Amiga | 80 |
 +| 37 | John Madden Football | Amiga | 93 |
 +| 38 | Super Tetris | PC | 94 |
 +| 40 | Indy Heat | Amiga | 92 |
 +| 41 | The Games Winter Challenge | PC | 92 |
 +| 44 | Top Banana | Amiga | 77 |
 +| 46 | Dynablaster | Amiga | 92 |
 +| 47 | Bonanza Bros | Amiga | 82 |
 +| 52 | Gradius | PC Engine | 92 |
 +| 54 | 2020 AD Super Baseball | Neo Geo | 90 |
 +| 56 | The New Zealand Story | NES | 90 |
 +| 61 | Joe & Mac | Super Nintendo | 78 |
 +| 62 | Alien Storm | Master System | 71 |
 +| 64 | Salamander | PC Engine | 93 |
 +| 66 | James Pond 2 Codename: Robocod | Megadrive | 91 |
 +| 68 | Speedball II | Megadrive | 93 |
 +| 72 | Fighting Masters | Megadrive | 84 |
 +| 73 | Thunder Spirit | Super Famicom | 90 |
 +| 74 | The Legend Of Zelda III | Super Famicom | 90 |
 +| 76 | Kick Off | NES | 93 |
 +| 77 | Beast Warriors | Megadrive | 49 |
 +| 86 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 | Gameboy | 71 |
 +| 86 | World Beach Volley | Gameboy | 91 |
 +| 87 | Q*Bert | Gameboy | 96 |
 +| 87 | Sagaia | Gameboy | 92 |
 +| 87 | Metroid II - Return Of Samus | Gameboy | 80 |
 +| 88 | Berlin Wall | Game Gear | 95 |
 +| 88 | Heavyweight Champ | Game Gear | 52 |
 +| 89 | Joe Montana Football | Game Gear | 83 |
 +| 92 | Tumble Pop  | Coin Op | 90 |
 +| 93 | Xexex | Coin Op | - |
 +| 104 | Star Trek | Pinball | - |
 +| 106 | Super Space Invaders | C64 | 92 |
 +| 106 | Hudson Hawk | C64 | 90 |
 +| 106 | Air / Sea Supremacy | C64 | 95 |
 +| 106 | The Simpsons: Bart Vs. The Space Mutants | C64 | 88 |
 +| 106 | Elvira - The Arcade Game | C64 | 78 |
 +==== Trucchi e Soluzioni ====
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^
 +| 79 | Playmaster |
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 +===== Download ===== 
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 +  *[[edicola_dvg|L'Edicola del DVG]]

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