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consolemania_-_14 [2024/02/19 02:26]
ataru_75 [Download]
consolemania_-_14 [2024/02/19 12:53] (versione attuale)
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 ====== Consolemania 14 ====== ====== Consolemania 14 ======
 +<sup>Da DVG - Il Dizionario dei Videogiochi</sup>
 |   **[[ Consolemania ]]**  || |   **[[ Consolemania ]]**  ||
- ||+{{ :altre:consolemania_14.jpg }} ||
 ^ Numero  | 14 | ^ Numero  | 14 |
 ^ Editore  | Xenia | ^ Editore  | Xenia |
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 ===== Contenuti ===== ===== Contenuti =====
 +==== In Questo Numero ====
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ 
 +| 9 | Anteprimania | 
 +| 11 | Made In Japan | 
 +| 12 | Americanicamente |
 +| 16 | Nintendo News | 
 +| 20 | Sega City | 
 +| 24 | Atari Attack | 
 +| 27 | Recensioni | 
 +| 95 | Consoliamoci | 
 +| 98 | Control Your Console | 
 +| 106 | Bovas' Hard Cafè | 
 ==== Recensioni ==== ==== Recensioni ====
 ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ Voto ^ ^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ Piattaforma ^ Voto ^
-| 24 | Hockey | Atari Lynx |  |  +| 24 | Hockey | Atari Lynx | 88 |  
-63 Dig Dug Game Boy  |  +28 Mega-Lo-Mania Mega Drive 94 |  
-63 Wave Race Game Boy  |  +34 Lemmings NES 91 |  
-45 Super Off Road Game Gear  |  +38 NAM-1975 Neo Geo 90 |  
-75 The Terminator | Game Gear |  |  +41 Side Pocket | Mega Drive | 80 | 
-58 BACK TO THE FUTURE III Master System  |  +| 45 | Super Off Road | Game Gear | 84 |  
-58 BACK TO THE FUTURE III Mega Drive  |  +46 Roboop 3 NES 80 |  
-78 INDIANA JONES AND THe LAST CRUSADe Mega Drive  |  +50 Super Mario Kart Super Nintendo 95 |  
-28 MEGA-lo-MANIA Mega Drive  |  +54 Alpha Mission II Neo Geo 95 |  
-41 Side POCKET | Mega Drive |  |  +58 Back to the Future III Master System 72 |  
-92 THE Legend of GALAHAD Mega Drive  |  +58 Back to the Future III | Mega Drive | 67 
-54 ALPHA MISSION II Neo Geo  |  +63 Dig Dug Game Boy 81 |  
-| 66 | Football Frenzy | Neo Geo |  |  +63 Wave Race Game Boy 84 |  
-38 NAM '75 Neo Geo  |  +| 66 | Football Frenzy | Neo Geo | 83 |  
-34 LEMMINGS | NES |  |  +69 Sky Mission Super Nintendo 65 |  
-46 ROBOCOP 3 NES  |  +72 The Addams Family | NES | 84 |  
-72 THE ADDAMS FAMILY NES  |  +75 The Terminator Game Gear 91 |  
-| 84 | TURRICAN | NES |  |  +78 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Mega Drive 82 |  
-| 88 | BART'S NIGHTMARE | Super Nintendo |  |  +| 84 | Turrican | NES | 91 |  
-69 SKY MISSION Super Nintendo  |  +| 88 | Bart's Nightmare | Super Nintendo | 80 |  
-50 | SUPER MARIO KART | Super Nintendo  +92 The Legend of Galahad Mega Drive 91  
 +==== Trucchi e Soluzioni ==== 
 +^ Pagina ^ Titolo ^ 
 +98 Control Your Console |
 \\ \\
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   *[[edicola_dvg|L'Edicola del DVG]]   *[[edicola_dvg|L'Edicola del DVG]]
-===== Collegamenti esterni ===== 
-  *[[https://archive.org/details/Consolemania-014|Scansione su Internet Archive]] 

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